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  • 在 Shoppers 预约打了 COVID 疫苗(选了辉瑞的)。打完针后反应倒是不像增强针那么厉害,只有些许的腰酸背痛。不幸的是后遗症很明显,随便动动就开始有点喘不过气,VO2 max 值也一路直降。在剑道练习时还差点晕菜了,眼前发黑的感觉特别吓人。力量训练和有氧超慢跑暂时也不能继续做,只敢做些拉伸保持身体灵活性。还好从上个月开始发现泡沫轴按摩脊椎的效果很不错,对我这种久坐一族产生的肩颈僵硬很有好处,已经变成了每天的日常活动。
  • 带猫去做了血检。上个月做年检时医生没抽血,给了镇静剂说等在家喂了药再过去。这个诊所的医生和助手对付紧张的猫猫很有一套,抽血前拿出了一个类似头套的罩子给麻豆戴上。本来以为麻豆会很抗拒,但他好像是有「只要我看不到那就不存在」的鸵鸟心态,全程都很配合。血检结果出来后还顺便预约了 12 月的洗牙,洗牙对猫来说算是个小手术了,不仅要花一大笔钱,还要把麻豆放在诊所一整天,有点紧张。话说麻豆现在养成了个坏习惯,每晚把钩针杯垫都叼到地上,最近还进化到把羊毛手套也叼走了,每天早上都能看到各种毛线物品出现在地上,我……
  • 一些季节性 Adulting
    • 去 Costco 换了雪胎。每年都要跟老天碰运气,以前出现过早早就换了胎但气温迟迟不降的情况,所以太早换也不行,太晚换又很难预约到位置。
    • 黑五买了一大堆东西,但大都是计划外的:隐形眼镜、机械键盘、屏幕灯、美发美容用品,Kei 酱还买了羊绒毛衣和靴子。今年好像打折还不错,购物欲望也被勾起来了。
    • 坏消息是本月 Amazon shopper panel 改版,基本没法指望再靠 receipt 赚钱,每月 5 刀的外快没有了(哭泣)。
  • 新建了个比较私人的英文博客,激情呕吐式写作好爽,像是排毒一样。其实无论写得怎样,只要把脑子里的东西输出出来就会平静很多。以前用非母语写作速度较慢,但现在改用口述的方式说给 Otter.ai,它转录成文字后再放到电脑上逐条梳理成有逻辑的段落,这个工作流用得还挺顺手,不容易遇到卡壳的情况。
  • 织毛线更新:这个秋冬不打算购入太多毛线,正在织的都是能马上用到的小物:给 Kei 酱的羊毛驼鹿手套和我自己的猫咪无指手套均在正在进行时~进入十一月后气温骤降,突然感觉需要的羊毛物品也变多了,但现在织的这几个图案都比较复杂需要一直看图解有点烦,最后采纳了 Kei 酱的建议,把图解 pdf 放在 iPad 的 PDF Expert 上然后用 app 高亮一条线,比纸质版用尺子比来比去方便多啦。
  • 这个月的剑道课换了个 Sensei 教,示范动作特别仔细,感觉有学到很多!之前我就觉得示范一遍太少了,经常还没看清就要硬着头皮上。很羞愧地表示 Sensei 布置的练习作业我并没有好好完成:COVID 犯懒不想动,加上染头、黑五购物这些就更没心思了。
  • 新工作之后肉眼可见地变忙了,还没找到一个很好的平衡点让我能在白天继续抽空摸鱼锻炼,希望能逐渐找到适合自己的新的日常节奏。不过虽然工作量变多,心理状态反倒变健康了,连带着下班后的创作欲望也爆棚。不知道这算不算工作上的蜜月期,总之能持续多久就多久吧。


  • 本博客终于也隆重上市了(魔改版) Neodb 卡片和长毛象嘟文的 shortcodes (效果见下 )!最近书影音读得多就用上了 Neodb,自然也想把 Neodb 短评弄成 shortcodes 放在博客上。看到不少博友在用 Neodb 卡片,之前没仔细看以为直接抄个作业就行。没想到现成教程里的短代码手动程度颇高,每条的打分和短评还需要手动输入。当然啦,让我这个懒人手动复制粘贴是肯定不干的。于是灵机一动利用上了长毛象嘟文的 shortcodes 来上传短评,于是在跟 GPT 的合作之下一通魔改,最后就是下面这个令我比较满意的样子。如果有人感兴趣的话我再单独写一篇装修博客更新吧。


  • 继续鼓捣 DIY 染发。上个月漂了三次到很浅的白金,月初时又自己染了全头,刚染完时是饱和度很高的初音色,洗过一两次之后变得自然了一些,是题图那样的绿松石色,进一分是蓝,少一分则是绿。后来随着洗头慢慢又褪色成了薄荷绿,过程特别好看,每天都忍不住照好多次镜子!染完后并没有停止折腾,看了一堆 YouTube 的视频后胆子倒越来越大,感觉脑子会了手也会了,于是月底时给自己染了个紫+蓝绿的美人鱼渐变色画染,居然还挺成功,没想到这真是在家也能操作出来的发色!缺点是漂发后发质就变得很脆弱,中途差点以为自己要变成那些拍 hair fail 视频的博主了,不得不买了一大堆额外的专业护发产品修补头发,唉,美丽的代价真是不浅呀。
  • 看了博友 pseudoyu这篇博客 的推荐后也去跟风试用了下 Follow,做得还真挺不错的,排版精美,让我又有动力在手机上看 RSS 了!
  • 新买了个需要 mount 在桌边的笔记本支架,用来放我的个人电脑(实际写作 Org-mode/Emacs 运行器)。写工作笔记舒服多了,也不占用桌面空间,不需要的时候滑到一边也不影响视野,很不错的购买。
  • 隔几个月就想鼓捣优化一下 Emacs。最近在琢磨既然我不怎么用到 org-roam 的双链,也许可以换成更轻量的选择。试了几个笔记相关 package,都有惊艳的地方,但总是缺一些这样那样的功能。成熟的 package 似乎到后面不可避免地会被觉得太“重”,但依旧很难被完全取代,就还是老老实实继续用 Org-roam 啦。顺便也在 GPT 的帮助下写了几个自定义 elisp function 来稍稍优化一下每月总结的流程(感谢 AI 不然我觉得这么古早的语言这辈子都不可能写得出来)。Emacs 最棒的地方就在这里,但凡有什么不满意之处,(理论上)都能自己改出来,是个用得越久定制化程度越高的工具。


Murder, Interrupted

Two true-crime thrillers as seen on Discovery's Murder is Forever TV series - premiering January 2018 MURDER, INTERRUPTED. Rich, cheating financier Frank Howard wants his wife dead, and he's willing to pay Billie Earl Johnson whatever it takes, to the tune of $750,000. When his bullet misses the mark, Billie Earl and Frank will turn on each other in a fight for their lives . . . MOTHER OF ALL MURDERS. Dee Dee Blancharde is a local celebrity. Television reports praise her as a single mother who tirelessly cares for her wheelchair-bound, chronically ill daughter. But when the teenaged Gypsy Rose realizes she isn't actually sick and Dee Dee has lied all these years, Gypsy Rose exacts her revenge . . .

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其实讲了两个案子,第一个案件就是没啥悬念的杀妻案,一开始就是凶手视角。第二个案件也未免太奇幻了,难以想象是发生在21世纪的真实案件,美国home schooling到底害了多少小孩啊!第二个事件的故事节奏还行,第一个太普通了,不喜欢这种开场就知道结果的叙述方式。

在听有声书,第一次看true crime类型的thriller,果然很真实,男主在婚姻里丑恶的嘴脸……

The Killer Across the Table

The legendary FBI criminal profiler, number-one New York Times bestselling author, and inspiration for the hit Netflix show Mindhunter delves deep into the lives and crimes of four of the most disturbing and complex predatory killers, offering never-before-revealed details about his profiling process, and divulging the strategies used to crack some of America’s most challenging cases. The FBI’s pioneer of criminal profiling, former special agent John Douglas, has studied and interviewed many of America’s most notorious killers—including  Charles Manson, ”Son of Sam Killer” David Berkowitz and ”BTK Strangler” Dennis Rader—trained FBI agents and investigators around and the world, and helped educate the country about these deadly predators and how they operate, and has become a legend in popular culture, fictionalized in The Silence of the Lambs and the hit television shows Criminal Minds and Mindhunter.Twenty years after his famous memoir, the man who literally wrote the book on FBI criminal profiling opens his case files once again. In this riveting work of true crime, he spotlights four of the most diabolical criminals he’s confronted, interviewed and learned from. Going deep into each man’s life and crimes, he outlines the factors that led them to murder and how he used his interrogation skills to expose their means, motives, and true evil. Like the hit Netflix show, The Killer Across the Table is centered around Douglas’ unique interrogation and profiling process. With his longtime collaborator Mark Olshaker, Douglas recounts the chilling encounters with these four killers as he experienced them—revealing for the first time his profile methods in detail. Going step by step through his interviews, Douglas explains how he connects each killer’s crimes to the specific conversation, and contrasts these encounters with those of other deadly criminals to show what he learns from each one. In the process, he returns to other famous cases, killers and interviews that have shaped his career, describing how the knowledge he gained from those exchanges helped prepare him for these.A glimpse into the mind of a man who has pierced the heart of human darkness, The Killer Across the Table unlocks the ultimate mystery of depravity and the techniques and approaches that have countered evil in the name of justice.

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作者是Netflix剧Mind Hunter的agent原型。一共讲了四五个罪犯的case,作者跟罪犯聊天的部分很好读。后面主要讲作者研究出的crimial profile protocol,但信息比较混乱听得也很无聊,感觉欠缺逻辑,大概是不方便把FBI内部的profiling写太细。
让我比较惊讶的是几个连环罪犯都特别积极,因为他们也很好奇为什么自己会变成这样。作者本人对罪犯nature vs. nuture也没有下定论,还是要看具体情况。比如他提到性侵犯分四种,其中有一种很难rehabilitation,没有在青少年时及时干预基本无解了。
听到五分之一,作者是FBI的criminal profiler,写的是他们研究罪犯的行为和心理,从而在实际应用中倒推、预防和识别犯罪,非常有意思!正在听第一个case,作者的interrogation能力好强(点题)

This Is Why We Lied

The next thrilling suspense featuring Will Trent and Sara Linton from Karin Slaughter, New York Times bestselling author of Pretty Girls and After That Night ! Everyone here is a liar, but only one of us is a killer… A secluded cabin retreat For GBI investigator Will Trent and medical examiner Sara Linton, McAlpine Lodge seems like the ideal getaway to celebrate their honeymoon. Set on a gorgeous, off-the-grid mountaintop property, it’s the perfect place to unplug and reconnect. Until a bone-chilling scream cuts through the night. A murderer in their midst Mercy McAlpine, the manager of the Lodge, is dead. With a vicious storm raging and the one access road to the property washed out, the murderer must be someone on the mountain. But as Will and Sara investigate the McAlpine family and the other guests, they realize that everyone here is lying….Lying about their past. Lying to their family. Lying to themselves. Who killed Mercy McAlpine? It soon becomes clear that normal rules don’t apply at McAlpine Lodge, and Will and Sara are going to have to watch their step at every turn. Trapped on the resort, they must untangle a decades-old web of secrets to discover what happened to Mercy. And with the killer poised to strike again, the trip of a lifetime becomes a race against the clock…

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听的有声书版本。凶手太明显啦没啥悬念,不过中间有好几个 twist 还是挺意外的,这家人实在是太扭曲了,女主好惨!主角这对警察和法医的 couple 搭配真不错,挺甜的,好磕。但我觉得对 Sarah 的描写比 Will 出色好多,虽然纸面上 Will 戏份明显更多,但感觉十分 hollow。作者 Karin Slaughter 真的很会写女性,即使是笔墨较少的角色也写得有血有肉。

心理测量者 第一季

这是一个人类内心活动均能够数值化的科技时代,同样能被量化的,还有每个人的“犯罪系数”,而原先的调查和侦破都被犯罪系数的检测所替代。维持治安逮捕罪犯的职责,当然落在了警察们的头上,但同时,这些惩奸除恶的执行官们,本身就是拥有着高犯罪系数的危险人物,因此,另一批专门监视他们的“监视官”应运而生。 作为一名执行官,狡噛慎也(关智一 配音)有着极强的业务能力,在同其监视官常守朱(花泽香菜 配音),同事征陆智己(有本钦隆 配音)、縢秀星(石田彰 配音)、六合冢弥生(伊藤静 配音)的合作下,制服了一个又一个险恶的犯罪分子。但是在执行任务的同时,慎也也对这套全靠数据说话的系统产生了怀疑。

看过 心理测量者 第一季

完全能理解为什么被称为神作,世界观设定在当年很新颖,情节起伏和节奏都不错,Supercell的两首ED都超好听!缺点是几个配角太路人了,好像没啥参与感;以及反派总给我一种时刻掉书袋的感觉,有点hmmm 也许中二期的我会迷上,但我现在是个讲实际的大人。最难得的是女主,总算有部以女性为主角且没有任何卖萌/卖肉设定,后面越来越帅!(虽然发展有点快还有点没反应过来)

Knit Latvian mittens

A book of hand-Knitted Latvian Mittens has been designed by the artistic known as “Mitten Ya”. The book focuses on triangular mittens and features a variety of original traditional Latvian patterns, including forests, flowers, animals and snowflakes. As well as mittens, there are hand and leg warmers and other wearable items such as hats, scarves and neck warmers. The book includes detailed graphic instructions to help the reader master basic mittens with braid patterns and picot knitting on the cuffs. The patterns are shown in full colour, are easy to follow and will enable the reader to create exquisite pieces or Knitwear.

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